Monday, May 2, 2011

Last nights news

You were probably either interrupted with a speech during The Apprentice, on Facebook, or in your bed sleeping... but Osama bin Laden is no more. 

All of America is rejoicing at that fact right now and I am, at this very moment, very happy to be married to someone that serves this country willingly. 
My heart swells with pride in the fact that I am a U.S Navy wife and an Army sister!

I'm not going to go into politics or things of the like, because the only thing I care about right now is the fact that justice is served to the families of those affected by 9/11, and that for one night  ALL Americans seemed to be proud of where they come from.

Thank you for everyone who has served in the past and those currently serving now, here or overseas. 
We appreciate all you do for this great Nation.

I saw this morning the ten greatest Tweets (according to source) sent in by celebrities about last nights news and just have to share them with you!

Here goes:

My personal favorite is Snoop's. What's yours?



  1. Hear, hear Sarah. LOL Katy Perry's tweet just made me laugh.

  2. Hers was funny too! I just want gas to be cheap again and my bubba to be home! haha.
