Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We have a new addition!!!

I haven't had much time to write on blogger this weekend because I've had my hands full with our newest addition to the family... a little boy puppy named Ajax!

(He is a six week old miniature pinscher.) 

 It was the mister's turn to name the pup because I got to name Lexie, so in true nerd fashion he picks Ajax, a name that I thought was a dish soap, but turns out to be a warrior who fought the Trojan war in Greek mythology.
(it really is a dish soap though, but that's not what he's named after.)

Ever since these little pups were born my husband and I have been discussing getting one.
He was in California for his schooling when I found out from a navy wives group I'm in that the litter would be available soon, so I sent him a picture when they were just a week old and he had to have one.

Now Lexie has always been my dog. Don't get me wrong, she loves her daddy, but she stays home with me all day so of course she is going to be attached to me more than she is him.
He was tired of being overtaken by the women in the household and needed another boy, so we decided a boy dog would be the best fit once they were ready to be sold.

My husband could hardly stand the waiting. "Can the pups go home yet?"
"Ask them if we can have our puppy yet?"
Technically they weren't supposed to even come with us this past weekend. She wanted to wait until she had scheduled an appointment for the litters first booster shots, but we were planning on getting him on a puppy Wellness Plan anyway which includes all of his shots and a neuter for a set price so we just decided to take him this weekend until we scheduled an appointment with Banfield.

(see how well they're getting along already?)

He seems to be settling in fine.
Other than the occasional whining at night (and we live in apartments so the neighbors will just have to deal.)
I don't ever remember a puppy I've ever owned being this fiesty though... man, can he bite and chew!!!
Hubby picked the "biggest and baddest mother trucker in there" he says.

(Lexie being a good big sister!)

Lexie has livened up a lot and that's part of the reason we got the puppy in the first place, not just because of my husband. lol.
She was hoarded by a lady all her life and has a strong pack mentality and really misses other dogs company.
I think this will be good for her. 

I hope everyone had a good LONG weekend!
The hubby had duty Sunday so Brittney and I from over at
went to Buffalo Wild Wings for a late lunch, Petsmart to get Ajax a crate, 
and back to my house to watch the social network!



  1. Ajax is adorable. Sounds like he's going to be a handful. How was the Social Network?

  2. Thank you, he is definitely a handful already and it's only day 4! lol

    The Social Network was ok... it portrayed Mark Zuckerberg as a complete butthole though, which I don't think probably was his character in real life. Actors sometimes suck at playing out a persons life. It was informative though. haha. I didn't have a Facebook when it was "The Facebook" (what it was called when he first started it) so I got to see how it got started and stuff. Pretty cool.

  3. Omg! He's adorablee! :) I want one! Hahaha!

  4. Can't wait for puppy play dates when I get back! (:

  5. He is so cute! My bestie back home has two min pins and I love them. She almost had me talked into getting one's brother. but we are only allowed two animals at our house.

  6. Can't wait either Marie!!!! (:

    Britt, my brother had one and I loved his!
    I've heard though that once you buy a min pin that's all you own from then on. That's probably why your bestie has two! lol.
