Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A trip home!

In my last update I said I would be going home very soon to visit with my family.
I got back this past weekend and couldn't have had a better time!
I got to see my PaPaw, and I missed him so much!
I think the last time I saw him was the year before last.
He is getting weaker and has shortness of breath a lot, but that didn't manage to stop him from going to eat out a few times with me. I ate catfish while I was there of course. 
We went to his favorite fish place in Oklahoma, Bill's Catfish.
That's one thing I miss about home! Fried Catfish. 
Can't get it here in Virginia, and if you do it's at places like Cracker Barrel and it isn't the same AT ALL!
I could tell he was very happy to see me and was always talking about my "Anchor Clanker", a little nickname he has given the Mister.
He adores my husband since my PaPaw's a prior Navy man himself.
We talked a bit about the baby and he asked me if I had thought of names. I told him we had thrown around a few, but nothing's set in stone. 
He told me I was gonna have a girl and that I should name her after him, Edwina, since his name is Edwin. :)
He can always make me laugh and put a smile on my face!
It was extremely hard saying goodbye to him. Since they go down south to warmer weather in the winter, I won't be seeing him at Christmas. 
I'm hoping my parents will come up for the birth of the baby and bring him and my Granny.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Texas, although it seemed to go by way too fast!
Mom and I looked for Maternity clothes, and went to little baby boutiques a couple days when I was there.
She said she cannot wait until we know the sex so she can start buying stuff!

It's all so surreal to me. I guess it will actually hit me once I start to show more, but it all just seems like a dream. 
The Mister and I have waited so long for this moment, and after one angel baby it is finally here!

On another note, the weather here in Virginia is nuts!
Yesterday we had a 5.8 Earthquake, and this weekend we are supposed to see the effects of Hurricane Irene.
I'm hoping it doesn't get so bad to where we have to evacuate.
Hubby would have to stay here even if the dogs and I have to leave.
Praying is about all I'm able to do at this point.

I hope everyone has a good weekend and if you are in the path of Irene, stay safe!



  1. Hey there, I just found your blog last week and I totally love it! I am also a sailor's wife - my soon to be husband is a lieutenant on a sub. It's been nice trying to connect with other navy wives!

  2. It is great to have a support system around you that are going through the same things!
